Australian Epitaphs
This page has been developed to record various epitaphs throughout Australia, with research into the origins of the epitaphs.
I welcome photos of any epitaphs of interest that you find, email through the contact page, with any details you can add (cemetery, location).
Recent Entries
There Will Be An AnswerTranscript: There will be an answer, let it beYear of Birth: 1961Year of Death: 2017Cemetery: St George's Magill Cemetery
In Cælo QuiesTranscript: in cælo quiesYear of Death: 1898Cemetery: North East Road Cemetery
In Heaven There Is One...Transcript: In Heaven there is one angel moreYear of Death: 1922Cemetery: West Terrace Cemetery
Deep Interr'd In...Transcript: Deep interr'd in earth's dark womb,
The mould'ring body lies:
But the Christian from the tomb
Shall soon triumphant rise,Year of Death: 1864Cemetery: Lyndoch CemeteryThe Lord Is My ShepherdTranscript: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
He leadesth me beside the still waters
Psalm 23Year of Death: 1880Cemetery: Hindmarsh CemeterySleep On In Thy BeautyTranscript: Sleep on in thy beauty
Thou sweet angel childYear of Death: 1919Cemetery: West Terrace CemeteryUP A Long Eventful Life...Transcript: A long eventful life its course has run
The labour, trial and trouble are done.
This is the end of all life's restless tide,
The universal epitaph ...Year of Death: 1887Cemetery: Gumeracha CemeteryUP Farewell, Ernie...Transcript: Farewell, Ernie dear, farewell.
Thy earthly race is run,
Though crushed with grief we'll strive to say.
O God, Thy will be done.Year of Death: 1901Cemetery: Norton Summit CemeteryHe is Gone And I Miss...Transcript: He is gone and I miss his kindly voice
His warm heart beats no more;
Let us in this bright hope rejoice
Not lost but gone before.Year of Death: 1885Cemetery: Ballarat CemeteryAngel Bright And FairTranscript: Angel Bright And FairYear of Death: 1918Cemetery: Hindmarsh Cemetery