And With A Voice Serene and Clear
Listing Details
And with a voice serene and clear
His ransomed soul without a tear
His Saviour's praise is singing
His ransomed soul without a tear
His Saviour's praise is singing
Memorial Name
Henry Smith
Year of Death
From the hymn called 'O think that while you're weeping here', from the first verse:
O think that, while you're weeping here,
His hand a golden harp is stringing;
And with a voice serene and clear,
His ramsomed soul, without a tear,
His Saviour's praise is singing!
O think that, while you're weeping here,
His hand a golden harp is stringing;
And with a voice serene and clear,
His ramsomed soul, without a tear,
His Saviour's praise is singing!
The full hymn:
O think that, while you're weeping here,
His hand a golden harp is stringing;
And with a voice serene and clear,
His ramsomed soul, without a tear,
His Saviour's praise is singing!
And think that all his pains are fled,
His toils and sorrows closed for ever;
While he, whose blood for man was shed,
Has placed upon his servant's head
A crown that fadeth never!
For thus, while round your lowly bier
Surviving friends are sadly bending,
Your souls, like his, to Jesus dear,
Shall wing their flight to yonder sphere,
Faith lightest pinions lending.
And thus, when to the silent tomb,
Your lifeless dust like his is given,
Like faith shall whipsper, 'midst the gloom,
That dust shall smile in heaven!
O think that, while you're weeping here,
His hand a golden harp is stringing;
And with a voice serene and clear,
His ramsomed soul, without a tear,
His Saviour's praise is singing!
And think that all his pains are fled,
His toils and sorrows closed for ever;
While he, whose blood for man was shed,
Has placed upon his servant's head
A crown that fadeth never!
For thus, while round your lowly bier
Surviving friends are sadly bending,
Your souls, like his, to Jesus dear,
Shall wing their flight to yonder sphere,
Faith lightest pinions lending.
And thus, when to the silent tomb,
Your lifeless dust like his is given,
Like faith shall whipsper, 'midst the gloom,
That dust shall smile in heaven!
Hindmarsh Cemetery
Greater Metro Adelaide- South Australia
Year of Memorial
Age Range
Adult (25 Years and Older)
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