Australian Gravestone EpitaphsAustralian Gravestone Epitaphs small

Author Tags: This is an unusual bible quote

Be Ye Also Ready
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptBe ye also ready
Memorial NameAdolph Reu
Have Pity On Me
Category Epitaphs
Transcript" Have Pity on me my friends, at least you my friends have pity on me." Job 19.21
Memorial NameEllen Donovan
I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptI know that my Redeemer liveth
Memorial NameFriedrich Menzel
Prepare To Meet Thy God
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptPrepare to meet thy God
Memorial NameEmma Cobbin
We All Do Fade
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptWe all do fade as a leaf,
Memorial NameThomas Williams