Australian Gravestone EpitaphsAustralian Gravestone Epitaphs small

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Results 381 - 400 of 423
P Loving Memories Remain
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptLoving Memories Remain
Memorial NameLillias Baxter Robinson
Blessed and Holy Are They
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptBlessed and Holy are they that hath part in the first resurrection.
Rev. 20. Chap 6. Verse
Memorial NameBeatrice and Florence Pellew
A Faithful Friend
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptA faithful friend, a father dear
A kind good husband lieth here
Great is the loss that we sustain
But God hath made
Our loss his gain
Memorial NameJohn Flannagan
He Laid Down His Life
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptHe laid down his life for his King and Country
Memorial NameLance Coporal J H Blackmore
Only A Little While
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptOnly a little while
Memorial NameSamuel Bosher
P Heaven is My Home
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptHeaven is my home
Memorial NameCatherine Hawke
RP Will Always Be Remembered By What She Hath Done.
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptWill always be remembered by what she hath done.
Memorial NameCatherine Sharp
He Sleeps In Jesus
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptHe sleeps in Jesus and is blest
How sweet his slumbers are
Memorial NameJoseph Kent
Our Gallant Watchers Of The Skies
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptOur gallant watchers of the skies
Off wander into Paradise,
God calls, heav'n lies in prospect wide
Lo'. They are standing by His side.
Memorial NameDenia Lenihan
A Tiny Soul Taken
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptA tiny soul taken
From his parents
Melva and Dennis
Loved and never
Memorial NameLindsay Dennis Garrett
You Made The Sacrifice Supreme
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptYou made the sacrifice supreme
Let no man say you died
Who cherished honour more than life
In deathless fame enshrined.
Memorial NameLieut D W (Wally) Caldwell
We Ten Mourn For Thee Mother
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptWe ten mourn for thee mother
Memorial NameRachel Plegeltadr
P One Less At Home.
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptOne less at home.
The charmed circle broken - a dear face
Missed day by day from its accustomed place
But cleansed and saved and perfected by grace...
Memorial NamePercy Wright
Loved At Home
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptLoved at home, loved abroad, honoured by all
Memorial NameMajor J C Williams
UP But Soon At Break Of Day
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptBut soon at break of day,
Thy calm almighty voice
Stronger than death shall say
Awake, Arise, Rejoice
Memorial NameEmily Lovibond
Now That My Journey Has Just Begun
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptNow that my journey has just begun
my course so little trod
I'll stay before I further run
and give myself to God
Memorial NameHannah Botten
Sweetly Resting In God's Care
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptSweetly Resting In God's Care
Memorial NameAgnes Jane McNiece
The Gift of God is Eternal Life
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptThe gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans VI.23
Memorial NameJames Grylls
Some Day We May Understand
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptSome day we may understand
Memorial NameMargaret Spencer
P Those Hands That Held Books To Learn
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptThose hands that held books to learn
Now hold it now no more
Her ????? Shall never here return
Memorial NameMary Ann Sharp