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RP Will Always Be Remembered By What She Hath Done.
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptWill always be remembered by what she hath done.
Memorial NameCatherine Sharp
P We Loved Him, Oh! No Tongue Can Tell
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptWe loved him, Oh! No tongue can tell
How much we loved him and how well
God loved him too, and thought it best,
To take him to his heavenly rest.
Memorial NameHoward Sharp
UP Around His Bed We Silent Knelt
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptAround his bed we silent knelt,
With hearts all crushed and sore;
While through the gloom the sweet words stole
Not Lost, but gone before.
Memorial NameFrederick Whittingham
P Weep Not For Me, My Parents Dear
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptWeep not for me my parents dear,
I am not dead, but sleeping here,
Tho sad my lot and short my days
I'll rise in heave to sing God's praise.
Memorial NamePhiladelphia Trenorden
P Not All The Affection We Gave Her
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptNot all the affection we gave her,
Could save our dear loved one from pain,
But her sufferings are o'er, and in Heaven
We shall mee our dear Martha...
Memorial NameMartha Webb
UP A Little While
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptA Little While John 16.16
Memorial NameElizabeth Beauchamp
P Short Was Her Call She Had From Above
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptShort was her call she had from above;
No word to her loved ones did say.
Her eyes closed in heath like a babe in its sleep,
And she peacefully pas...
Memorial NameElizabeth Beauchamp
UP Farewell, Ernie Dear, Farewell
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptFarewell, Ernie dear, farewell.
Thy earthly race is run,
Though crushed with grief we'll strive to say.
O God, Thy will be done.
Memorial NameErnest James Sutton
UP God Hath Taken Back Our Darling
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptGod hath taken back our darling,
Placed our bud among His flowers
Taken back the child He lent us;
To a better home than ours.
Memorial NameEthel May Cook
P Our's Is A Heavy Loss To Bear
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptOur's is a heavy loss to bear-
For you we often shed a tear;
We'll try our best and not complain,
And pray that we may meet again
Memorial NameGorge Thomas Makings
P Safe From Sin And Safe From Sorrow
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptSafe from sin and safe from sorrow
All life's bitter conflicts past,
There for ever with the Saviour
Thou in peace shall rest at last.

Memorial Name Christopher Moulds
P One Less At Home.
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptOne less at home!
The charmed circle broken - A dear face
Missed day by day from its accustomed place
But cleansed and saved and perfected by grace...
Memorial NameMary Ann Jennings
P Sleep On In Thy Beauty
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptSleep on in thy beauty
Thou fair angel child
By sorrow unblighted;
By sin undefiled
Memorial NameLettie Jennings
P There Remaineth Therefore A Rest
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptThere remaineth therefore a rest for the people of God
Memorial NameCharles Jennings
P I Have Done With Sin, I Have Done WIth Sorrow
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptI have done with sin, I have done with sorrow.
I fly to the spotless realms of light,
Where the day that is break now shall have no morrow
And the ...
Memorial NameCharles Jennings
UP A Heavenly Paradise Is That Place
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptA heavenly paradise is that place wherein all pleasant fruits do flow.
Thomas Campion (1567 - 1620)
Memorial NameJames Bishop
P Peaceful Be Thy Silent Slumber
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptPeaceful be thy silent slumber,
Peaceful in thy grave so low,
Thou no more wilt join our number,
Thou no more our song wilt know.
Yet again we hop...
Memorial NameWilliam Stephens
UP Dearest Mother Thou Hast Left Us
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptDearest Mother thou hast left us,
We thy loss most deeply feel;
But 'tis God who hath bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.
Memorial NameHannah Stephens
UP All Right That The Promise Of God Is Sure
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptAll right that the promise of God is sure,
The love of the Saviour will still endure ;
That her failing eyes o'er the water's foam
Can see the l...
Memorial NameLettie Story
P Our Father Dear Has Gone To Rest
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptOur Father dear has gone to rest
To live in Heaven among the blest,
We would not call him back again
For he is free from grief and pain.
Memorial NameWilliam Osbourne