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As The Ivy Clingeth To The Oak
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptAs the ivy clingeth to the oak,
So does our memory cling to thee
Memorial NameMary Ann Ryles
Beautiful Memories
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptBeautiful Memories
Memorial NameMary Clare
Because I Live, Ye Shall Live Also
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptBecause I live, ye shall live also.
John XIV.19
Come Unto Me All Ye That Labour
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptCome unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Matt II.28
Memorial NameSally May
For King and Empire
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptFor King and Empire
Memorial NameHurtle C
God Knows How Much We Miss Them
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptGod knows how much we miss them,
He counts the tears we shed,
And whispers hush, they are only sleeping
Your loved ones are not dead.
Memorial NameWilliam Ellis Johns
God So Loved The World
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptGod so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life.
In death on Ch...
Memorial NameDorothy Ridgway
Gone To Be WIth Jesus
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptGone to be with Jesus in the climes of endless joy.
Where sin and death never come, and parting will be no more.
Memorial NameTheophilus J Male
Had He Asked Us
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptHad He asked us, well we know,
We should cry 'O spare this blow'
Yes with streaming tears should pray
Lord we love him let him stay.
Memorial NameRobert Stockdale
He Always Lent A Helping Hand
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptHe always lent a helping hand
To those who wanted help
And never spoke of what he did
But kept it to himself
Memorial NameWilliam John Tremellen
His End Was Peace
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptHis End Was Peace
Memorial NameJesse Norman
He Is Gone Like A Flower
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptHe is gone like a flower cut down in full bloom.
From the sunshine of life to the shade of the tomb;
But death cannot sever the chain of our love
He Laid Down His Life
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptHe laid down his life for his King and Country
Memorial NameLance Coporal J H Blackmore
He Said, The Maid Is Not Dead
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptHe said, the maid is not dead.
Matthew 9.c.24.v
Memorial NameAdelaide Branch
I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptI heard the voice of Jesus say come unto me and rest
Lay down thou weary one, lay down thy head upon my breast
I came to Jesus as I was weary and wo...
Memorial NameEdwin Hardy Herring
Also In Memory
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptAlso in memory of
all children who have died unnamed and are now safe in the arms of Jesus
Memorial NameBaby Rossi
In My Fathers House
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptIn my Father's house are many mansions
John 14
Memorial NameMillicent May
In Sure And Certain Hope
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptIn sure and certain hope of a glorious resurrection
In The Blossom Of Life God Claimed Him
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptIn the blossom of life God claimed him.
In the pride of his manhood days
He was taken away from his loved ones
Who are silently weeping always
Memorial NameWilliam Henry Mortimore
In The Name, The Precious Name
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptIn the name, the precious name of Him who died for me
Through grace I'll win the promised crown
Whate'er my cross may be.
Memorial NameMay Glastonbury