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UP Far Beyond This World Of Changes
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptFar beyond this world of changes
Far beyond this world of care
We shall find our missing loved ones
In our Father's mansion fair
Memorial NameWilliam Redden
P Resting Where No Shadows Fall
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptResting where no shadows fall
In perfect peace they await us all
Memorial NameWilliam Redden
UP A Long Eventful Life Its Course Has Run
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptA long eventful life its course has run
The labour, trial and trouble are done.
This is the end of all life's restless tide,
The universal epitaph ...
Memorial NameRichard James
UP Freely My Soul Expects The Call
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptFreely my soul expects the call
And with transporting view
Stretches her wings to reach her home
And bids the world adieu
Memorial NameMarianne Dicker
P His Words, His Actions Are Not Dead
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptHis words, his actions are not dead
But in my heart are daily read.
Memorial NameSydney Cooke
P I Loved Her, Oh! No Tongue Can Tell
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptI loved her, oh! No tongue can tell
How much I loved her and how well.
God loved her too, and thought it best
To take her to her heavenly rest.
Memorial NameEliza Harvy Barthoomew
P I Miss Your Face, I Miss Your Hands
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptI miss your face, I miss your hands,
Yet love for you remains,
A love that dwells within my heart,
And binds my soul in chains.
From Mother
Memorial NameGeorge Farley
P In Midnight Calm When All Was Still
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptIn midnight calm when all was still
God gave His great command;
In silent sleep he passed away
To join the happy band
Memorial NameThomas Bartholomew
P In Our Garden of Memories
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptIn our garden of memories
We meet every day.
Memorial NameEric Russell Symonds
P O Happy Day That Fixed My Choice
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptO happy day that fixed my choice
On Thee my Saviour and my God!
Well may this glowing heart rejoice
And tell its raptures all abroad.
Memorial NameWilliam Wise
P The Lord Gave And The Lord Hath Taken Away.
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptThe Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Memorial NameJanet Quinn
P Peaceful Be Thy Silent Slumber
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptPeaceful be thy silent slumber
Peaceful in thy grave so low
Thou no more wilt join our number
Thou no more our song wilt know.

Yet again we hope...
Memorial NameJanet Quinn
P Sorrow, Vanquished, Labour Ended, Jordan Past.
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptSorrow, vanquished, Labour ended, Jordan Past.
Memorial NameAmelia Squires
P Sweet Little Flower, Too Lovely to Stay
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptSweet little Flower, too lovely to stay
God called him home to lead us the way.
Memorial NameElliot John
P The Hour Of My Departure Come
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptThe hour of my departure come
now let me die in peace.
Memorial NameAlexander Greig
P Though Gone From Us, How Hard to Bear
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptThough gone from us, how hard to bear,
No more on Earth to roam;
Midst all our grief 'tis joy to know
He has found a better home.
Memorial NameGeorge William Ross
P We Loved Thee Well, But Jesus Loves Thee Best
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptWe loved thee well, but Jesus loves thee best.
Memorial NameRebecca Simmons
P Wearied Of Life's Long Journey
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptWearied of life's long journey
Of battles with pain and strife;
Gone from this world of sorrow,
To a home of eternal life.

Gone where all pain i...
Memorial NameWilliam Hicks
P Though Gone From Us How Hard To Bear
Category Epitaphs
TranscriptThough gone from us how hard to bear,
No more on Earth to roam
Midst all our grief 'tis joy to know
She has found a better home
Memorial NameEliza Rehn