Australian Gravestone EpitaphsAustralian Gravestone Epitaphs small


intro epitaph text

P Though Gone From Us, How Hard to Bear
TranscriptThough gone from us, how hard to bear,
No more on Earth to roam;
Midst all our grief 'tis joy to know
He has found a better home.
Memorial NameGeorge William Ross
P Time Restores to Earth Each Year,
TranscriptTime restores to earth each year,
All it took away.
Snows depart and birds appear.
Woods grow green and gay.
Blossoms fill the orchard-tree.
Memorial NameKezia Margaret Hodges
P To Know Him Was To Love Him
TranscriptTo know him was to love him
Memorial NameWilliam Cobbledick
P United After Many Years
TranscriptUnited after many years
Anchored on the happy shores
Memorial NameWilliam Wright
P We Have Lost Our Life's Companion
TranscriptWe have lost our life's companion,
A life linked with our own
Day by day we miss their footsteps,
As we wander all alone,
Memorial NameAda Brogan
P We Loved Him, Oh! No Tongue Can Tell
TranscriptWe loved him, Oh! No tongue can tell
How much we loved him and how well
God loved him too, and thought it best,
To take him to his heavenly rest.
Memorial NameHoward Sharp
P We Loved Thee Well, But Jesus Loves Thee Best
TranscriptWe loved thee well, but Jesus loves thee best.
Memorial NameRebecca Simmons
P We Speak Of The Realm Of The Bless,
TranscriptWe speak of the realm of the bless,
That country so bright and so fair,
And oft are its glories confest,
But what must it be to be there.
Memorial NameAlexander Badenoch
P Wearied Of Life's Long Journey
TranscriptWearied of life's long journey
Of battles with pain and strife;
Gone from this world of sorrow,
To a home of eternal life.

Gone where all pain i...
Memorial NameWilliam Hicks
P Weep Not For Me, My Parents Dear
TranscriptWeep not for me my parents dear,
I am not dead, but sleeping here,
Tho sad my lot and short my days
I'll rise in heave to sing God's praise.
Memorial NamePhiladelphia Trenorden
P What Tho' In Lonely Grief I Sigh
TranscriptWhat tho' in lonely grief I sigh
For friends beloved no longer nigh,
Submissive would I still reply,
Thy will be done.
Memorial NameWilliam Mitchell
P Where Once This Gentleman
TranscriptWhere once this gentleman and gentle man walked
The sound of leaves falling gently upon the Earth,
Whisper his name.
Memorial NameLawrence Arch Hughes
Pain Nor Sickness
TranscriptPain nor sickness e'er can enter,
Grief nor woe my lot shall share;
But in that celestial centre.
I a crown of life shall wear
Memorial NameSarah Winto
Precious Darling, She Has Left Us
TranscriptPrecious darling, she has left us.
Left us, yes, for ever more;
But we hope to meet our loved one,
On that bright and happy shore.
Lonely the hous...
Memorial NameBessie Maude Cocker
Prepare To Meet Thy God
TranscriptPrepare to meet thy God
Memorial NameEmma Cobbin
Remorseless Death Amongst Us Comes
TranscriptRemorseless death amongst us comes
And bitter grief imparts
It takes the loved ones from our homes
But never from our hearts
Memorial NameMaude Reid
Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine
TranscriptRequiem æternam dona eis, Domine
Rest After A Long And Beautiful Life
TranscriptRest after a long and beautiful life
Memorial NameEleanor Hiscock
Rest And Peace Grant Unto Them
TranscriptRest and peace grant unto them O Lord
and let light perpetual shine
Memorial NameMatthew and Hannah Bradley
Rest In The Saviour
TranscriptRest in the saviour, sweetly rest
They miss you most who loved you best.
Memorial NameThora Dahl