Australian Gravestone EpitaphsAustralian Gravestone Epitaphs small


intro epitaph text

So Soon As We Being To LIve
TranscriptSo soon as we begin to live
That moment aslso we begin to die
Memorial NameThomas Heming
So Soon To Part WIth HIm
TranscriptSo soon to part with him,
But God knows best
Why he has taken out
Darling to rest
He saw a place for him
In his fair bower
So fondly tenderly
Memorial NameFranz Bevilaqua
Some Day We May Understand
TranscriptSome day we may understand
Memorial NameMargaret Spencer
Submissive To Thy Will
TranscriptSubmissive to thy will my God,
To Thee my partner I resign;
And humbly bow berfore Thy rod
I mourn but dare not to repine,
Memorial NameEdmund Bowman
Suddenly, Just in A Moment
TranscriptSuddenly, just in a moment,
The Lord of life did come;
And lifted me out of the cloud and
Into the light of home
Memorial NameDavid Mackenzie
Sweetly Resting In God's Care
TranscriptSweetly Resting In God's Care
Memorial NameAgnes Jane McNiece
The Book Of Life
TranscriptThe book of life is read, the long day ended.
Memorial NameErnest F Monk
The Bridge Is Crossed
TranscriptThe bridge is crossed
Time is the distance
Between you and me
Memorial NameUncle Michael
The Gift of God is Eternal Life
TranscriptThe gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans VI.23
Memorial NameJames Grylls
The Heavenly Gates Stood Open
TranscriptThe heavenly gates stood open,
A gentle voice said come
And with farewell unspoken
He calmly entered home.
The Last Tribute
TranscriptThe last tribute to a beloved and only son
Memorial NameRobert Wilson Graney
The Lord Gave,
TranscriptThe Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Job I. 21
Memorial NameWilliam John
The Lord Is My Shepherd
TranscriptThe Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
He leadesth me beside the still waters
Psalm 23
Memorial NameHenry Turnbridge Senior
The One We Loved Is Now Laid Low
TranscriptThe one we loved is now laid low
His fond true heart is still
The hands that often helped us so
Lies now in Death's cold chill
Not dead to us, we ...
Memorial NameJohn Rundle
The Song Is Ended
TranscriptThe song is ended, but the melody lingers on
Memorial NameHelen Mary Gillies
The Warmth You Gave
TranscriptThe warmth you gave, has given us strength
Memorial NameSteven Shephard
Their Name Liveth For Evermore
TranscriptTheir name liveth for evermore
Memorial NameWalter C Mansep
Their Voices Still Keep Whispering
TranscriptTheir voices still keep whispering
Be loving brave and true
At the of a lane of Shadows
We'll be waiting there for you.
Memorial NameHerbert Kraft
Then Cheer Ye Fond Widow
TranscriptThen cheer ye fond widow who sadly weep,
For happy are they who in Jesus sleep.
There Is Rest For The Weary
TranscriptThere is rest for the weary
Memorial NameGeorge Winton