Australian Gravestone EpitaphsAustralian Gravestone Epitaphs small


intro epitaph text

Beyond The River Of Sorrow
TranscriptBeyond the river of sorrow
There is a promised land
Memorial NameWalter Howard Hall
Beyond The Vale
TranscriptBeyond the vale
Our loved ones rest
Memorial NameAda M Birrell
Blessed and Holy Are They
TranscriptBlessed and Holy are they that hath part in the first resurrection.
Rev. 20. Chap 6. Verse
Memorial NameBeatrice and Florence Pellew
Blessed Are The Dead
TranscriptBlessed are the dead which die in the Lord from hencforth.
Rev. 14:13
Blessed Are The Pure Of Heart
TranscriptBlessed are the pure of heart
Memorial NameFannie Lynn
But The Fruit Of The Spirit
Transcript'But the fruit of the spirit is charity, joy, peace, patience...
Against such there is no law
Memorial NameEdward Fitzherbert
Call Not Back The Dear Departed
TranscriptCall not back the dear departed
Anchored safe where storms are o'er
On the border land we left them
Soon to meet and part no more
Far beyond this ...
Memorial NameJulia Martin
Calm On The Bosom Of Thy God
TranscriptCalm on the bosom of thy God
Brave spirit rest thee now.
Memorial NameJohn Thomas
Christ To Me Is Life On Earth
TranscriptChrist to me is life on earth
And death to me is gain,
Because I trust through him alone
Salvation to obtain.
Memorial NameErle Ernest Aveyard
Close In Our Hearts
TranscriptClose in our hearts he will always stay
Loved and remembered every day.
Memorial NameMurray Ernest Booth
Come Unto Me All Ye That Labour
TranscriptCome unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Matt II.28
Memorial NameSally May
Day After Day
TranscriptDay after day we saw her fade
And gently pass away
Yet often in our hearts we prayed
That she might longer stay
Memorial NameCaroline Willcox
Dear Wife And Children
TranscriptDear wife and children shed no tears,
I must lie here till Christ appears,
When here He comes I hope to have
A joyful rising from the grave
Memorial NameWilliam Curtis
Dearest Loved One
TranscriptDearest loved one, we have lain thee,
In thy peaceful grave's embrace
But thy memory will be cherished,
Till we see thy Heavenly face
Memorial NameOtto Junken
Dearest Mother We Have Laid Thee
TranscriptDearest Mother we have laid thee
In the peaceful grave's embrace,
But thy memory will be cherished,
Till we see thy heavenly face
Memorial NameAnnie Markham
Death Cannot Long Divide
TranscriptDeath cannot long divide,
For is it not as if the rose had
Climbed my garden wall and -
Blossomed on the other side.
Death Is Swallowed Up In Victory
TranscriptDeath is swallowed up in victoy
Memorial NameMay Caterer
Death Is The Messenger
TranscriptDeath is the messenger of peace,
and calls the soul to Heaven
Memorial NameWilliam Cepp
Deep Interr'd In Earth's Dark Womb
TranscriptDeep interr'd in earth's dark womb,
The mould'ring body lies:
But the Christian from the tomb
Shall soon triumphant rise,
Memorial NamePeter Potter
Dreaming when Dawn'd Left Hand
TranscriptDreaming when Dawn's Left Hand was in the sky
I heard a voice within the Tavern cry,
Awaken my little ones, and fill the Cup
Before life's liquor i...
Memorial NameIan Ayliffe Hamilton