Australian Gravestone EpitaphsAustralian Gravestone Epitaphs small


intro epitaph text

Duty Nobly Done
TranscriptDuty Nobly Done
Memorial NameFred Bessell
Each Step I Take
TranscriptEach step I take my Saviour holds my hand and gently leads me home
Entered Into The Rest That Remaineth
TranscriptEntered into the rest that remaineth
Memorial NameIsabella Bowman
Enthusiasm Is The Height Of Man
TranscriptEnthusiasm is the height of man: It is the passing from the human to the divine.
Memorial NameWilliam Taylor McCoy
Eternal Rest Give Him
TranscriptEternal rest give him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
Memorial NameWilliam Fitzpatrick
Eternal Rest Grant To Her
TranscriptEternal rest grant to her O Lord
And let perpetual light shine upon her
Memorial NameMary Jane Petney
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Her
TranscriptEternal rest grant unto her, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon her.
Memorial NameCaroline Ethel Jarrad
Ever In Our Thoughts
TranscriptEver in our thoughts,
With a love that knows no parting
Memorial NameNorman Eustace Ziegler
Faithful Servants of the Master
TranscriptFaithful servants of the Master
At Rest
Memorial NameSarah Marks
Faithful Until Death
TranscriptFaithful Until Death
Memorial NameJohn J Keen
Far From This World Of Toil And Strife
TranscriptFar from this world of toil and strife,
He's present with the Lord;
The labours of his mortal life,
End in a large reward
Memorial NameSpencer Twelftree
Farewell my dear wife
TranscriptFarewell my dear wife my life is past
Faithful I loved you till the last
And on my children pray, pity take,
And love them for their father's sake.
Memorial NameMichael Wells
Farewell My Wife
TranscriptFarewell my wife, my children dear,
I am not dead, but sleeping here
My debt is paid the grave you see.
Prepare you all to follow me.
Memorial NameJoshua Hatch
Father In Thy Gracious Keeping
TranscriptFather in Thy gracious keeping,
Leave we now, our loved ones sleeping
Memorial NameElizabeth Ann Randall
Fold Her O Father
TranscriptFold her O Father in thine arms
And let her henceforth be
A Messenger of love between
Our human heart's and Thee
Memorial NameKatie Eleanor Mona Packer
For Here Have We No Continuing City
TranscriptFor here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.
Hebrew C XIII. V. XIV
Memorial NameMargaret Grylls
For If We Believe That Jesus
TranscriptFor if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
1 Thess IV.14
Memorial NameHerbert Northcote
For King and Empire
TranscriptFor King and Empire
Memorial NameHurtle C
For Love Is Heaven
TranscriptFor love is Heaven
Heaven is Love
Memorial NameEthel A C Harris
For Me To Live Is Christ
TranscriptFor me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Memorial NameH Gotthelf