Australian Gravestone EpitaphsAustralian Gravestone Epitaphs small


intro epitaph text

He Answered The Call
TranscriptHe answered the call
Memorial NamePte Harry Young
He Asked Life Of Thee
TranscriptHe asked life of thee and thou gavest it
Him even length of days for ever and ever
Jesus said - I came that they may have
Life and may have it abun...
Memorial NameWalter Frederic Oldham
He Came, A Brave And Loving Boy
TranscriptHe came, a brave and loving boy
To dwell with us for ever.
Memorial NameAlexander Douglas
He Gave HIs LIfe
TranscriptHe gave his life for his Home, King and Country
Memorial NameHarold Rainey
He Had Not Time To Say Farewell
TranscriptHe had not time to say farewell
All in a moment our sorrow fell
Heaven retaineth now our treasure
Earth the lonely casket keeps
And the sunbeams l...
He Hath Prepared for Them A City
TranscriptHe hath prepared for them a city
Memorial NameMarjory Stockham
He is Gone And I Miss His Kindly Voice
TranscriptHe is gone and I miss his kindly voice
His warm heart beats no more;
Let us in this bright hope rejoice
Not lost but gone before.
Memorial NameThomas Westcott
He Is Gone Like A Flower
TranscriptHe is gone like a flower cut down in full bloom.
From the sunshine of life to the shade of the tomb;
But death cannot sever the chain of our love
He Laid Down His Life
TranscriptHe laid down his life for his King and Country
Memorial NameLance Coporal J H Blackmore
He Said, The Maid Is Not Dead
TranscriptHe said, the maid is not dead.
Matthew 9.c.24.v
Memorial NameAdelaide Branch
He Shall Carry the Lambs
TranscriptHe shall carry the lambs in His arms
Memorial NameMinnie
He Shall Gather The Lambs
TranscriptHe shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom.
Memorial NameCaroline Phillippa Augusta Short
He Sleeps In Jesus
TranscriptHe sleeps in Jesus and is blest
How sweet his slumbers are
Memorial NameJoseph Kent
He Smiled Farewell To Earth
TranscriptHe smiled farewell to earth
Memorial NameJohn Marsh
Hebrew 4,9
TranscriptHebr. 4,9
Memorial NameFriedrich Bohg
Her Cheerful Ways And Smiling Face
TranscriptHer cheerful ways and smiling face
Are pleasant to recall
She had a smile for everyone
Beloved she was by all.
Memorial NameElisie Lennon
Here awhile we must be parted
TranscriptHere awhile we must be parted,
And the flesh its Sabbath keep
Waiting in a Holy stillness
Wrapt in sleep
Memorial NameHerbert Bowering
His Duty Fearlessly
TranscriptHis duty fearlessly and nobly done
Ever Remembered
Memorial NameL H A Giles
His End Was Peace
TranscriptHis End Was Peace
Memorial NameJesse Norman
His Memory Lives
TranscriptHis memory lives within the hearts.
Of those who knew his worth
Memorial NameRichard Ham Vickery