Australian Gravestone EpitaphsAustralian Gravestone Epitaphs small


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intro epitaph text

'Tis Hard To Part From Those We Love
Transcript'Tis hard to part from those we love,
'Tis hard to say "Farewell,
'Tis hard to say 'Thy will be done'.
How hard, no tongue can tell.

But Thou wi...
Memorial NameSarah Fudge
'Tossed No More On Life's Rough Billows
Transcript'Tossed no more on life's rough billows
All the storms of life have fled,
God has found a softer pillow
For our darling Mother's head.
Memorial NameElizabeth Ryan
A Beautiful Sunbeam
TranscriptA beautiful sunbeam in God's home
Memorial NameJean
A Bright Sunset
TranscriptA Bright Sunset
Memorial NameCharles Reginald Vaughan
A Brilliant Career Cut Short
TranscriptA Brilliant Career Cut Short
Memorial NameErica
A Charitable Remembrance
TranscriptA charitable remembrance in your prayers is likewise asked for the repose of the soul of
Memorial NameMartha Shiels nee Elwood
A Digger At Rest
TranscriptA Digger at rest
Memorial NamePeter Francis Pope
A Faithful Friend
TranscriptA faithful friend, a father dear
A kind good husband lieth here
Great is the loss that we sustain
But God hath made
Our loss his gain
Memorial NameJohn Flannagan
A Faithful Husband
TranscriptA faithful husband, True and kind
A more loving father one could not find
Memorial NameArchibald Williams
A Fearful Shock
TranscriptA fearful shock, a pain severe
To part with one we loved so dear
Though awful sudden we not complain
But trust in God to meet again.
Memorial NameNahu Phillips
A Few More Years Shall Roll
TranscriptA few more years shall roll
A few more seasons come
And we shall be with those that rest
Asleep within the tomb
Memorial NameCharles William Machell
A Few Short Years
TranscriptA few short years of labour past
We reach the happy shore
Where death divided friends at last
Shall meet to part no more.
Memorial NameCharles Hall
A Gentle and Devoted Friend
TranscriptA Gentle and Devoted Friend
Memorial NameAlice Florence Pringle
A Happy Life
TranscriptA happy life & a peaceful end
Memorial NameAdelina Fisher
A Little Child
TranscriptA little child shall lead them
Memorial NameShirley Mc Waters
A Mother In Israel
TranscriptA mother in Israel,
Judges 5-7
Memorial NameSusannah Abbott
A Mother We Loved
TranscriptA mother we loved has gone to rest,
God has claimed his own;
Oh, may her gentle spirit be
A star to guide us home.
Memorial NameAmy Sands
A Noble Career Ended
TranscriptA Noble Career Ended
Memorial NameJohn Walton
A Painful Shock
TranscriptA painful shock a blow severe
To part with one we loved so dear;
Our loss is great we'll not complain
But Trust in God to meet again.
A Patient Sufferer
TranscriptA patient sufferer peacefully sleeping in God's care.
Memorial NameLizzie Birrell